Už budúci štvrtok v slávici privítame jedno z najvýznamnejších mien súčasnej českej dizajnérskej scény – výnimočného sklára Františka Jungvirta, ktorý predstaví prierez svojou tvorbou.
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invitation | exhibition opening by Ové Pictures on 23 May
Come welcome our new exhibition Ups and Downs and Pastries by the unique duo Ové Pictures with us. There will be bread rolls, dioramas, poem and also, excellent wine by Male Divy. We are looking forward to see you!
in the studio | Veronika Švábeníková
Veronika Švábeníková je česká keramička, ktorá vytvára jedinečné vázy pomocou techniky mramorovania. Neopakovateľné dekory evokujú vodnú hladinu či vesmírnu hmlovinu. Veronika verí, že všetko má svoj príbeh a hodnotu, a že práve v jemnostiach všedného dňa sa skrýva množstvo inšpirácie. Prečítajte si viac o jej tvorbe v našom krátkom rozhovore.
in the studio | FRAELA
Fraela are natural lipsticks with a story and fair ingredients. Take a peek into the backstage of the brand and get to know the women behind it. :)
pozývame | vernisáž výstavy togetherness
Už tento štvrtok 30. 11. sa vidíme na otvorení novej predajnej výstavy Slavomíry Ondrušovej. Zastavte sa na Laurinskej 19. Začíname o 18:00.
autumn essentials
The change of season also calls for a change of accessories and your favourites. Just as the days are getting shorter and nature is changing its clothes, muted, earthy colors, bolder designs and quality materials step forward in our wardrobes as well. Choose quality wool, leather and precious metals in warm tones. Get inspired.
Everyday Tresures | discover new collection
Everyday Treasures are online! Don't save special jewellery for special moments and treat yourself with something beautiful even on an ordinary day. Discover pieces from new collection.
čo nás čaká: uvedenie kolekcie šperkov Everyday Treasures od JUHASZ MARTA JEWELRY
Príďte spolu s nami privítať novú kolekciu šperkov.
best of summer jewellery
Get inspired by the best of the best. Our jewellers picked their favourite pieces of this summer.
unique wedding gift tips
Wedding season is still in full swing and you wish to give something different, unique, thoughtful? Find the perfect gift at slávica.
summer must-haves
August ahead and we have chosen some beautiful design that will make your summer days brighter. Find inspiration for your eyes and soul.
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