MILA ZILA arose from the need to find new positions of materials and their connection with our daily life which constantly surrounds us. She tries to apply individual and abstract experiences, such as emotions, human behaviour, everyday situations, values and combine them with the laws of physics into a visual form with the help of glass as the main medium. With this approach, she creates various products – from jewellery and objects of daily use to complex pieces which create installations.

Ako si sa dostala ku sklu? 

Pochádzam zo sklárskeho regiónu na strednom Slovensku – z Novohradu, takže sklo sa okolo mňa vždy vyskytovalo. Pamätám si, že už na základnej škole sme chodievali na exkurzie do sklární. Ale myslím, že vtedy ma to až tak nezaujalo, pretože, čo si budeme hovoriť, huť je pre dieťa dosť strašidelné miesto. 

Najviac sa mi v pamäti uchoval zážitok, keď sme boli na výlete v Utekáči, mamina sa zarozprávala s kamarátkou a nás zaujalo niečo farebné v blízkom potoku. Pamätám si na to úplne jasne ešte dnes – na pravej strane bola obrovská skláreň s vysokým komínom a pri nej potok, v ktorom boli tie najväčšie drahé kamene. Dlho sme ich z vody lovili a študovali ich krásu, keď nimi prechádzali slnečné lúče. Myslím, že to bol úplný počiatok fascinácie týmto materiálom, ktorý ma dodnes neomrzel.

Čo pre teba znamenajú emócie a vnútorné prežívanie a ako ich využívaš vo svojej tvorbe? 

Sklo vnímam ako jedinečný materiál, ktorý dokáže na seba zobrať neskutočne veľa podôb. Pre mňa je veľmi zaujímavé to, že s ním musíme pracovať rýchlo (to sa samozrejme týka skla fúkaného na huti). Je fluidné a veľmi organické, ale pritom dokáže prijať štruktúru a tvar.

Už samotný materiál je pre mňa obrovskou inšpiráciou, ktorú často zapracovávam do svojich objektov a produktov. Napríklad poháre Mind sa hrajú s myšlienkou formovania ľudskej mysle. Tým, že majú ohnutý okraj do vnútra, nútia nás zamyslieť sa hlbšie nad predmetom, ktorý držíme v ruke každý deň, a vytrhnúť nás z každodennej šedosti a hľadať odpovede na otázky: Prečo to tam je? Mám sa z toho napiť? Slúži to niečomu alebo je to iba výstrelok?

Vo vázach Persona spracúvaš vrstvy charakteru človeka. Aké vrstvy má MILA ZILA? 

Je to pre mňa veľmi zaujímavá téma. Každý z nás sa niekoľkokrát denne schováva za rôzne masky/persóny/vrstvy, ktoré mu pomáhajú v nepríjemných situáciách. Alebo naopak pridávame vrstvy a „krajky“, keď potrebujeme vyzerať lepšie.

Niektoré vrstvy nám už ostanú a stanu sa súčasťou nášho základu. A to je vlastne dobré a prirodzené. Proste sa mi páči tento celoživotný proces. Moja osobnosť je tiež poznačená rôznymi vrstvami, ktoré som si obľúbila.

Ako najradšej tráviš čas sama so sebou? 

Najradšej mám, keď nemusím riešiť žiadne povinnosti a nechať čas iba plynúť, sama so sebou filozofovať a lakovať si nechty. :)

Čo ti vždy urobí radosť? 

Zmrzlina! Alebo akékoľvek dobré jedlo.

Mind pink decanter


The collection of handblown glassware called MIND is inspired by the belief that by the power of our will we can influence the perception and shape of everything around us. The collection is meant to remind us of this power in everyday products. It is connected through an element of compressed blown glass which creates a unique detail and reminds us of the power of will and the touch of human creation.

Price €77
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Mind yellow glass


The collection of handblown glassware called MIND is inspired by the belief that by the power of our will we can influence the perception and shape of everything around us. The collection is meant to remind us of this power in everyday products. It is connected through an element of compressed blown glass which creates a unique detail and reminds us of the power of will and the touch of human creation.

Price €30
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Mind yellow decanter


The collection of handblown glassware called MIND is inspired by the belief that by the power of our will we can influence the perception and shape of everything around us. The collection is meant to remind us of this power in everyday products. It is connected through an element of compressed blown glass which creates a unique detail and reminds us of the power of will and the touch of human creation.

Price €77
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Mind pink glass


The collection of handblown glassware called MIND is inspired by the belief that by the power of our will we can influence the perception and shape of everything around us. The collection is meant to remind us of this power in everyday products. It is connected through an element of compressed blown glass which creates a unique detail and reminds us of the power of will and the touch of human creation.

Price €30
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Mind blue decanter


The collection of handblown glassware called MIND is inspired by the belief that by the power of our will we can influence the perception and shape of everything around us. The collection is meant to remind us of this power in everyday products. It is connected through an element of compressed blown glass which creates a unique detail and reminds us of the power of will and the touch of human creation.

Price €77
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Mind dark blue glass


The collection of handblown glassware called MIND is inspired by the belief that by the power of our will we can influence the perception and shape of everything around us. The collection is meant to remind us of this power in everyday products. It is connected through an element of compressed blown glass which creates a unique detail and reminds us of the power of will and the touch of human creation.

Price €30
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New Ornamental vase


The vase is part of a larger project that deals with the possibilities of decorating glass and transfers them to a new position. Ornament is usually created consciously with the aim of beautifying the object in order to increase its attractiveness. There are also various techniques that aim to mask the decay that occurs naturally in production. This project reproduces various unconscious mechanical processes, physical and chemical reactions that randomly arise around us (a scratched floor from shoes, a structure created by scraping a wall, spilled water, oxidation of metals...) and transfers them to objects. NEW ORNAMENTAL objects are decorated with high enamel, which is traditionally in the form of plastic flowers. In this case, it is layered with a spatula and its task is to cover the largest possible surface of the glass. The decor is then complemented by 24-karat gold.

Price €370
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