Žužu Gálová

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A designer, illustrator, photographer with a passion for nature. With her boyfriend, she has the independent graphic design studio, Crea Crea Studio. Thanks to her diverse skill-set, she has worked with international advertising agencies, start-ups and various brands. Her project Hide and Seek represents her long-time passion for linocut technique.

Okrem ilustrácie máš s priateľom kreatívne štúdio. Aká je tvoja náplň práce a čo ťa na nej najviac baví? A čo je, naopak, najväčšia výzva? 

Okrem ilustrácií robím grafický dizajn a fotím pre naše kreatívne štúdio Crea Crea studio. Čo sa týka grafiky, tam spadá viac-menej všetko – od brandingu a tvorby loga, dizajny obalov, tvorba časopisov, vizuálov a podobne. Fotenie zase znamená skôr tvorbu obsahu pre rôzne značky – hlavne flatlays a lifestyle. 

Najviac ma baví, keď môžem prepájať dizajn s ilustráciou, a keď mi klient nechá voľnú ruku pri návrhoch. Naopak výzva je každé jedno zadanie. Je to zodpovednosť, priniesť niečo vizuálne pekné, ale zároveň aj funkčné, zrozumiteľné, aby bol s dizajnom či vizuálom stotožnený nielen klient, ale aj samotný zákazník.

Ako si pri freelance práci aj tvorbe udržuješ disciplínu? Je to pre teba dôležité? 

Myslím si, že som disciplinovaná, čo je výhoda, preto je organizácia času pre mňa prirodzená. Mám rada, keď je robota hotová a nestojí zbytočne. Ak chcem stíhať aj iné aktivity, je kľúčové mať dobrý time-management. Najlepšie sa mi osvedčili to-do listy, bez ktorých nedokážem fungovať.

Potrpíš si na priestor a podmienky, v ktorých tvoríš? 

Tým, že rada a relatívne veľa cestujem, naučila som sa robiť a tvoriť „za jazdy“, preto aj priestor či podmienky úplne nehrajú rolu. Samozrejme, milujem svoj vlastný pokoj, preto sú večery na tvorbu moje obľúbené.

Vtedy všetko stíchne, spomalí sa a ja mám ten správny čas tvoriť. Väčšinou popri tvorbe počúvam filmy (ideálne také, čo som už videla, aby ma veľmi nerušili), hovorené slovo ma upokojuje a dokážem sa prepnúť do tvorivého módu.

V čo veríš? 

V dobro ľudí. Že je ešte stále v každom z nás. :)

Po čase strávenom na Slovensku sa opäť vraciaš do Austrálie. Prečo? A čo máš na nej rada?

Prečo nie? :) Austrália, respektíve Sydney je už môj druhý domov, žila som tam niekoľko rokov a mám to tam rada. Hlavne život pri oceáne. Som vodný živel a vždy ma to ťahalo k vode. Ľudia sú tam viac uvoľnení, usmievaví, ten životný štýl, ktorý ponúka život pri oceáne, je pre mňa na nezaplatenie.

Fly Away

Žužu Gálová
Žužu Gálová

The minimalist work of Žužu Gálová is inspired by female power, Japan and the world of animals. Enjoy it in the form of playful graphics. Each work is signed and numbered.

Price €41
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The Friend

Žužu Gálová
Žužu Gálová

The Friend is a unique print illustration of original artwork created by Zuzu Galova. The artwork is inspired by everyday overthinking of everything. However, we cannot overthink forever. We have to make peace with ourselves and befriend our thoughts.

Price €46
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White tiger

Žužu Gálová
Žužu Gálová

White Tiger is a unique print illustration of original artwork created by Zuzu Galova. The artwork is inspired by the everyday strength that we have within us to keep us going.

Price €51
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Let's Ride

Žužu Gálová
Žužu Gálová

Risography with a unique motif by Žužu Gálová. Žužu has a characteristic minimalist style that is easily recognizable. Her work is often dominated by the world of women, often based on herself and her experiences. She likes to portray a woman as a strong personality because she believes that women are strong creatures who can handle anything.

This print can be ordered in a bigger format. In case you are interested, contact us on hello@slavicadesign.com. 

Price €36
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Life Of My Dreams

Žužu Gálová
Žužu Gálová

Asia. Illustrations. Women. Minimalism. Žužu likes to draw female motifs often based on herself and her experiences. She likes to portray a woman as a strong personality because she believes that women are strong creatures who can handle anything.

If you are interested in the delivery of the artwork, contact us on hello@slavicadesign.com.

Price €800
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Girls II.

Žužu Gálová
Žužu Gálová

Asia. Illustrations. Women. Minimalism. Žužu likes to draw female motifs often based on herself and her experiences. She likes to portray a woman as a strong personality because she believes that women are strong creatures who can handle anything.

Price €328
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The year of the tiger

Žužu Gálová
Žužu Gálová

An archival print with a playful tiger motif inspired by the celebration of Chinese New Year and the Year of the Tiger. The work is meant to represent the courage that is hidden in all of us. In her work, Žužu combines digital and traditional techniques. Topics related to women, ecology and the world of animals play a major role. Her work is characterized by a minimalistic style that is recognizable. Each graphic is signed by the author.

Price €46
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Walk your own path

Žužu Gálová
Žužu Gálová

Archival print is inspired by the strength and courage that hides inside each of us. The author reminds us that we should not be afraid to walk our own path. In her work, Žužu combines digital and traditional techniques. Topics related to women, ecology and the world of animals play a major role. Her work is characterized by a minimalistic style that is recognizable. Each graphic is signed by the author.

This graphic can also be ordered in a larger format. If you are interested, please contact us at hello@slavicadesign.com.

Price €46
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