Stehlík design

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Although Stehlík design was founded in 2015, designer Petr Stehlík has been working with porcelain for more than 10 years. After some time, his hobby turned into a full-time job and Petr founded a small family business. Thanks to combining new techniques with traditional ones, products by Stehlík design have strict and sharp lines.

Ako vznikol nápad vytvoriť origami kolekciu zvieratiek? 

Je to viac než desať rokov, kedy mi idea origami zvieratok prvýkrát napadla. V tom čase som mal tesne po vysokej škole, veľa sme sa podporovali navzájom medzi spolužiakmi. Boli to pekné roky.

Čo je najlepšie na práci vo dvojici? Nenosíte si veľa prácu domov?

V dvojici je super, že máte s kým všetko riešiť, necítite sa na nič sami. S prácou doma je to občas horšie, niekedy treba po večeroch dorábať administratívu a je ťažké sa úplne odtrhnúť myšlienkami od toho, čo musíme a čo sme nestihli.

Ako vyzerá váš bežný deň? 

Samozrejme je každý deň trochu iný, ale najčastejšie to vyzerá takto. 

Petrov deň je zväčša takýto: ráno prídem do dieľne, urobím si čaj a sadnem si k počítaču. Skontrolujem objednávky na eshope a prejdem poštu. Následne ma čaká práca v dielni, kontrola skladu, dorábanie produktov, ktoré chýbajú, obnova sadrových foriem, ktoré majú životnosť cca 30 odliatkov. V niektoré dni som v dielni do večera, niekedy sa snažím skončiť o chvíľu skôr, aby som si ešte trochu užil deti. Práca v dielni je ale často nekonečný proces, človek má stále plnú hlavu povinností, ale deti nás učia spomaliť a venovať sa tomu, čo je dôležité.

Alicin deň je zväčša takýto: ráno sa naraňajkujeme všetci spoločne, je to náš rituál, ktorý sa aj v zhone snažíme dodržiavať. Momentálne sa môj deň točí okolo detí a domácnosti. Podľa potreby sa s Petrom striedame, niekedy sa o deti stará on a ja idem do dielne riešiť veci, ktoré mi idú lepšie než jemu a v ktorých sa navzájom dopĺňame.

Ako najradšej oddychujete? 

S Alicou sa zhodneme, že najradšej v prírode, na výlete alebo radi záhradkárčime. Tento rok Peter prevzal ako 3. generácia chov včiel, uvidíme, ako nám to pôjde. Pravidelne s priateľmi poriadame také komorné workshopy keramiky, kde je priestor na rôzne experimenty ako pálenie keramiky v peciach na drevo, raku techniku, výrobu vlastných glazúr i keramických hmôt.

Ktorú časť procesu tvorby máte najradšej a prečo? 

Určite tú kreatívnu, keď navrhujeme nový produkt. Bohužiaľ, práve na túto činnosť je pre administratívu a ďalšie povinnosti času naozaj málo.

white bear brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The porcelain brooch is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. In the animal kingdom, the bear is a symbol of power and strength. The bear is a strong source of support in difficult times. It is a symbol of stability and gives courage to face challenges. The clasp is made of high-quality stainless steel, making it suitable for allergy sufferers thanks to its hypoallergenic composition.

Price €26
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white dove brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The porcelain brooch in the shape of a dove is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The dove is commonly seen as a symbol of care, devotion, purity and peace. Due to its hypoallergenic composition, the fastening made of high-quality stainless steel is also suitable for allergic people.

Price €26
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black dove brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The porcelain brooch in the shape of a dove is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The dove is commonly seen as a symbol of care, devotion, purity and peace. Due to its hypoallergenic composition, the fastening made of high-quality stainless steel is also suitable for allergic people.

Price €26
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white peacock brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The porcelain peacock brooch is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The peacock is a symbol of beauty, an elegant strong animal that teaches us to believe in ourselves and face life's challenges with courage and confidence. In Asian tradition, the peacock represents compassion, goodwill and kindness. Due to its hypoallergenic composition, the fastener made of high-quality stainless steel is also suitable for allergic people.

Price €26
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black dog brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The porcelain dog brooch is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. A dog as a spiritual animal represents love, protection, loyalty. The dog symbol can help you when you need to stay strong. The fastening is made of high-quality stainless steel and, thanks to its hypoallergenic composition, it is also suitable for allergic people.

Price €26
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black peacock brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The porcelain peacock brooch is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The peacock is the epitome of beauty. This elegant, strong animal teaches us to believe in ourselves and face life's difficult challenges with courage and confidence. In Asian tradition, the peacock represents compassion, goodwill and kindness. The fastening is made of high-quality stainless steel and, thanks to its hypoallergenic composition, it is also suitable for allergic people.

Price €26
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black squirrel brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The porcelain brooch is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. For us, the squirrel is a symbol of not forgetting to have fun – it is a natural sympathizer and entertainer, but also an excellent planner. Squirrels always hide about 15% of their nuts. We have a lot to learn from them. :) The fastening is made of high-quality stainless steel, which makes it suitable for allergic people.

Price €26
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black fox brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The fox porcelain brooch is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The fox has long been considered funny, fast and intelligent. In some traditional European stories, he is a character who outwits others and gets out of the most difficult situations. The fastening is made of high-quality stainless steel and, thanks to its hypoallergenic composition, it is also suitable for allergic people.

Price €26
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black wolf brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The porcelain wolf brooch is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The power of the wolf brings instinct, intelligence, a desire for freedom and an awareness of the importance of social ties. When a wolf appears in your life, pay attention to what your intuition is telling you. The fastening is made of high-quality stainless steel and, thanks to its hypoallergenic composition, it is also suitable for allergic people. 

Price €26
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white cat brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The porcelain cat brooch is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The cat is a symbol of independence, balance and mystery. It represents wisdom and is a strong and sure protector. The fastening is made of high-quality stainless steel and, thanks to its hypoallergenic composition, it is also suitable for allergic people.

Price €26
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white boat brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The boat-shaped porcelain brooch is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The fastening is made of high-quality stainless steel and, thanks to its hypoallergenic composition, it is also suitable for allergic people. 

Price €26
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white wolf brooch

Stehlík design
Stehlík design

The porcelain wolf brooch is inspired by origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The power of the wolf brings instinct, intelligence, a desire for freedom and an awareness of the importance of social ties. When a wolf appears in your life, pay attention to what your intuition is telling you. The fastening is made of high-quality stainless steel and, thanks to its hypoallergenic composition, it is also suitable for allergic people. 

Price €26
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