Ové pictures

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The Slovak duo of authors – Michaela Čopíková and Veronika Obertová – was formed in 2010 in Bratislava. Michaela studied animation at the APA and Veronika studied graphics and visual communication at the AFAD. Under their brand, they create animations, music videos, animated films, projections, illustrations and motion design. They have an exceptionally original approach to work which creates bold visual solutions.

Čo má OVE nové? Čo vás teší v tieto dni? 

Práve sme dokončili animácie pre novú stálu expozíciu BIATEC o keltskom mincovníctve, ktorá je v GMB. Určite ju odporúčame navštiviť. Momentálne tiež pracujeme na dokončení vizuálov a animácií pre Múzeum školstva a pedagogiky, ktoré na neskorú jeseň, po dlhšej pauze otvorí svoje brány návštevníkom. Momentálne nás veľmi teší, že niektoré z našich papierových diorám budú súčastou medzinárodnej kolektívnej výstavy v Ludwig Muzeum v Budapešti s názvom Smaller Worlds.

Tvoríte spolu už vyše desať rokov. Ako spolu viete dobre fungovať alebo prekonať náročnejšie obdobia?

Často sa nás to ľudia pýtajú, na ponorku, na hádky a nezhody, ale pravda je taká, že nás spolupracovať baví a viac sa spolu smejeme a tešíme, ako hádame. Jasné, že máme svoje nezhody, ale obe vzájomne rešpektujeme naše rozdielne názory a nechávame si priestor, aj odstup, keď ho jedna z nás potrebuje. Tvorivý dialóg nám prináša veľa, jedna druhú posúvame k skúšaniu nových vecí, vzájomne sa dobíjame energiou a nápadmi a hlavne nás baví spoločný proces tvorenia a humor.

Čo je pre vás dôležité?

V tvorbe sú pre nás dôležité príbehy a charaktery. A, samozrejme, je dôležité mať tú správnu energiu na tvorbu samotnú. :)

Čo ste si priali a nakoniec sa vám to splnilo?

Splnilo sa nám to, že už viac ako 10 rokov sme Ové a stále nás to teší a spája.

Ako by ste chceli, aby si vás ľudia pamätali? 

Takto ako na tejto našej dioráme s názvom JOY (fotka vľavo nižšie:)). 

Something, something book

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

Super limited edition of the book of illustrations from the Slovak creative duo Ové Pictures. Ové Pictures are two artists, directors, and storytellers — Veronika Obertová and Michaela Čopíková — who have been working together since 2010. They design original stories and characters using different outputs in animation, films, music videos, design, and illustrations.

Price €29
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I would like to outline the veins on my body

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

"Some things we say to each other, some we draw, especially those that are more difficult to say. These are not drawings as obvious statements, these are subtle shades of feelings that create different characters and figures, entire environments." Ové Pictures

A unique work by the duo Ové Pictures. The drawings are a continuation of the collections from the exhibitions 
Soft-boiled (2023), Storification (2019, Atelier XIII) and Even a stone flows from the Šamorín synagogue from 2022. The original drawings function as separate solitaires, but the connections of individual motifs can be observed in them.

Price €123
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Bread rolls are speaking to me

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

"Some things we say to each other, some we draw, especially those that are more difficult to say. These are not drawings as obvious statements, these are subtle shades of feelings that create different characters and figures, entire environments." Ové Pictures

A unique work by the duo Ové Pictures. The drawings are a continuation of the collections from the exhibitions 
Soft-boiled (2023), Storification (2019, Atelier XIII) and Even a stone flows from the Šamorín synagogue from 2022. The original drawings function as separate solitaires, but the connections of individual motifs can be observed in them.

Price €123
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I am stardust after all!

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

"Some things we say to each other, some we draw, especially those that are more difficult to say. These are not drawings as obvious statements, these are subtle shades of feelings that create different characters and figures, entire environments." Ové Pictures

A unique work by the duo Ové Pictures. The drawings are a continuation of the collections from the exhibitions 
Soft-boiled (2023), Storification (2019, Atelier XIII) and Even a stone flows from the Šamorín synagogue from 2022. The original drawings function as separate solitaires, but the connections of individual motifs can be observed in them.

Price €123
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Beam me up.

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

"Some things we say to each other, some we draw, especially those that are more difficult to say. These are not drawings as obvious statements, these are subtle shades of feelings that create different characters and figures, entire environments." Ové Pictures

A unique work by the duo Ové Pictures. The drawings are a continuation of the collections from the exhibitions 
Soft-boiled (2023), Storification (2019, Atelier XIII) and Even a stone flows from the Šamorín synagogue from 2022. The original drawings function as separate solitaires, but the connections of individual motifs can be observed in them.

Price €123
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Maybe tomorrow.

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

"Some things we say to each other, some we draw, especially those that are more difficult to say. These are not drawings as obvious statements, these are subtle shades of feelings that create different characters and figures, entire environments." Ové Pictures

A unique work by the duo Ové Pictures. The drawings are a continuation of the collections from the exhibitions 
Soft-boiled (2023), Storification (2019, Atelier XIII) and Even a stone flows from the Šamorín synagogue from 2022. The original drawings function as separate solitaires, but the connections of individual motifs can be observed in them.

Price €123
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I can't feel my centre.

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

"Some things we say to each other, some we draw, especially those that are more difficult to say. These are not drawings as obvious statements, these are subtle shades of feelings that create different characters and figures, entire environments." Ové Pictures

A unique work by the duo Ové Pictures. The drawings are a continuation of the collections from the exhibitions 
Soft-boiled (2023), Storification (2019, Atelier XIII) and Even a stone flows from the Šamorín synagogue from 2022. The original drawings function as separate solitaires, but the connections of individual motifs can be observed in them.

Price €123
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Source diorama

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

Paper dioramas tell the stories of magical characters from the Ové iconography through brightly coloured papers with the help of clever use of technology. The motifs invite viewers to search for universal stories, life records of human experience. These snapshots and fragments of situations show the authors' philosophical view of the world and encourage reflection. Dioramas make it possible to create scenes composed of different narratives compressed into a spatial object with a specific artistic expression. They are a well-known method of illusory staging of space and story, nowadays considered a bizarre, outdated technology. The creation of such an art object is always preceded by an innovative process in which the authors work with their own texts, create pictorial storyboards, select and create characters and define environments.

Price €1,947
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Volcano diorama

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

Paper dioramas tell the stories of magical characters from the Ové iconography through brightly coloured papers with the help of clever use of technology. The motifs invite viewers to search for universal stories, life records of human experience. These snapshots and fragments of situations show the authors' philosophical view of the world and encourage reflection. Dioramas make it possible to create scenes composed of different narratives compressed into a spatial object with a specific artistic expression. They are a well-known method of illusory staging of space and story, nowadays considered a bizarre, outdated technology. The creation of such an art object is always preceded by an innovative process in which the authors work with their own texts, create pictorial storyboards, select and create characters and define environments.

Price €1,947
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Komodo Dragon diorama

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

Paper dioramas tell the stories of magical characters from the Ové iconography through brightly coloured papers with the help of clever use of technology. The motifs invite viewers to search for universal stories, life records of human experience. These snapshots and fragments of situations show the authors' philosophical view of the world and encourage reflection. Dioramas make it possible to create scenes composed of different narratives compressed into a spatial object with a specific artistic expression. They are a well-known method of illusory staging of space and story, nowadays considered a bizarre, outdated technology. The creation of such an art object is always preceded by an innovative process in which the authors work with their own texts, create pictorial storyboards, select and create characters and define environments.

Price €923
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Fortune Cookie diorama

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

Paper dioramas tell the stories of magical characters from the Ové iconography through brightly coloured papers with the help of clever use of technology. The motifs invite viewers to search for universal stories, life records of human experience. These snapshots and fragments of situations show the authors' philosophical view of the world and encourage reflection. Dioramas make it possible to create scenes composed of different narratives compressed into a spatial object with a specific artistic expression. They are a well-known method of illusory staging of space and story, nowadays considered a bizarre, outdated technology. The creation of such an art object is always preceded by an innovative process in which the authors work with their own texts, create pictorial storyboards, select and create characters and define environments.

Price €923
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The Power of Hope diorama

Ové pictures
Ové pictures

Paper dioramas tell the stories of magical characters from the Ové iconography through brightly coloured papers with the help of clever use of technology. The motifs invite viewers to search for universal stories, life records of human experience. These snapshots and fragments of situations show the authors' philosophical view of the world and encourage reflection. Dioramas make it possible to create scenes composed of different narratives compressed into a spatial object with a specific artistic expression. They are a well-known method of illusory staging of space and story, nowadays considered a bizarre, outdated technology. The creation of such an art object is always preceded by an innovative process in which the authors work with their own texts, create pictorial storyboards, select and create characters and define environments.

Price €923
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