Miriama Schniererová

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Miriama Schniererová is a Slovak academic painter who works in Bratislava. Her works are characteristic by layering of colours that creates a relief into which she engraves magical sceneries in abstract background. The subject of her works are figures, plant motifs or nostalgic places and landscapes. She is interested in the relationship between man and nature, his dependence on it and, the extent to which they can influence each other over time.

Máš s tvorbou spojený nejaký rituál? 

Najlepšie sa mi tvorí, ak som sama, pri hudbe, ale aj potichu. Mám pri tom rada vôňu kadidla. Ak ma nerušia povinnosti a okolnosti, môžem maľovať, koľko len chcem. Ale zasa sú dobré aj „nútené“ prestávky. Oko a hlava si oddýchnu a neskôr uvidím obrazy v inom svetle.

Čo tvojej tvorbe dáva materstvo? 

Materstvo momentálne vo veľkej miere ovplyvňuje môj čas. Zmenil sa mi vkus vecí v tvorbe, čo sa mi v maliarstve páči... A zmenila sa následne aj moja tvorba. Rozmýšľam rýchlejšie, menej riešim detaily a som časovo efektívnejšia. Preto sú moje obrazy abstraktnejšie a viac nedopovedané. Používam viacej voľnú kresbu a gestickosť – to ma „naučili“ moje deti, ktorých tvorbu zapájam do tej svojej.

Ako svojim obrazom vymýšľaš názvy? Máš ich v hlave od začiatku? 

Niektoré názvy sa mi vybavia ešte pred obrazom a maľujem akoby to, čo mi význam slova „hovorí“. Inokedy zasa najprv vznikne obraz a potom jeho názov.

Čo ťa poháňa? 

Poháňa ma pocit slobody, čo mám tak rada. To, čo pre mňa znamená maľovanie a tvorba. To, že vypnem a riešim len situácie spojené s maľovaním. Je to veľký relax a oslobodenie. Poháňajú ma aj moji fanúšikovia a ich reakcie na moje maľby, diela. Poháňa ma aj konkurencia a aj inšpiratívni ľudia, ich tvorba a úspechy.

Na čo sa tešíš? 

Teším sa, že budem maľovať, na nový ateliér a na výstavy. :)

The world is me

Miriama Schniererová
Miriama Schniererová

The works from the Wildflower series were created as a collaboration or rather a "game" between the author and her two-year-old son. The spontaneous canvases are dominated by the son's drawing without any navigation. The charcoal and pastel drawings are complemented by coloured areas, transitions or structures by the author and carry a kind of story of their mutual connection. In the paintings, you can see narrative scenes that are more legible to the viewer, but also a more abstract spectacles created by the son's drawing and the author's gestural handwriting.

Price €680
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Mellow days

Miriama Schniererová
Miriama Schniererová

Graphic in kind, gentle colours evoking dreaminess and days full of soft tenderness – no matter what each of us imagines underneath them. Each linoprint is hand-printed by the author on recycled paper due to which there are slight deviations between individual pieces. The graphic is signed and numbered. The graphic is limited to 50 pieces.

Price €60
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Miriama Schniererová
Miriama Schniererová

The graphic in blue colour highlights the structure of the surface and the detail of the tiny bird "frozen" in the artwork. Each linoprint is hand-printed by the author on recycled paper, due to which there are slight deviations between the individual pieces. The graphic is signed and numbered, limited to 50 pieces.

Price €60
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Butterfly skin

Miriama Schniererová
Miriama Schniererová

The artwork features stylized butterfly wings in a delicate structure that reflects its fragility. Fluorescent orange evokes joy, life and energy. Each linoprint is hand-printed by the author on recycled paper due to which there are slight differences between individual pieces. The graphic is signed and numbered. The graphic is limited to 50 pieces.

Price €60
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