Michaela Gorcová

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Michaela Gorcová has been designing jewellery since 1996. She works with precious metals, titanium, and stainless steel. In her work, two collections stand out. Collection Naturalia was inspired by the beauty of flowers, the shapes of butterfly and dragonfly wings, leaves and timelessness of stones. Collection Springs was inspired by industrialism. Goldplating gives her jewels a mark of exclusivity, while silverplating reminds of the dreamy winter wonderland.

Čo pre teba znamená príroda? 

Príroda ako nekončiaci proces premien hmoty a energií je pre mňa zdrojom trvalého očarenia, z ktorého čerpám inšpiráciu. Nekonečným množstvom tvarov, farieb, štruktúr, vôní a ďalších atribútov príroda naznačuje cestu, ktorú je možné tvorivým spôsobom nasledovať a svojím spôsobom sa na nej podieľať. V každom momente (zrodu, v dobe svojho trvania, ale i zániku) je bytie fascinujúcim odrazom zrkadla prírody a naopak.

Čo je najlepšie na tom byť šperkárkou? 

Tak ako pri každej tvorivej činnosti je to proces tvorby. Od prvotnej inšpirácie, cez jej spracovanie, napríklad vo forme kresieb, až po samotnú prácu na materiále (kov, kameň) na ceste k finálnej podobe šperku. Zároveň mi práca na šperkoch vo všetkých rovinách (mentálnej i fyzickej) umožňuje poznávať prírodu.

Ku ktorému svojmu výtvoru či kolekcii máš najhlbší vzťah a prečo?

Každá kolekcia, každý jednotlivý šperk je odtlačkom môjho života, každej jeho etapy, momentu. Každá práca, či už vedie k úspechu alebo aj keď je, napríklad, slepou cestou, ma napĺňa a posúva ďalej. Každá ďalšia kolekcia, každá nová práca v sebe nesie možnosti a riešenia tých, ktoré budú nasledovať. 

Aké zmeny by si vo svojej práci privítala a čo by si naopak nikdy nechcela zmeniť?

Menšie i väčšie zmeny sú nevyhnutnou súčasťou mojej práce a patria k tvorivému procesu. Určite by som v budúcnosti privítala naučiť sa nové techniky výroby. Inak by som nič zásadne nemenila. 

Čo je pre teba dôležité?

Všetko podstatné a dôležité vzťahujúce sa ku šperkárstvu a dizajnu som už popísala vyššie. Samozrejme je tam aj mnoho ďalšieho, ale na to tu nie je priestor ani čas. :)

White Frost silver-plated earrings

Michaela Gorcová
Michaela Gorcová

White Frost earrings are handcrafted from steel needles and galvanically silver-plated. They belong to the Elements collection. An element is something simple, primal, something from which more complex things are composed. Crystalline white frost is one of the forms that occurs below the freezing point.

Price €67
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Hardum patinated ring

Michaela Gorcová
Michaela Gorcová

The ring from the Love Can Move Mountains collection are made by casting a stone into silver and then processed by the author. Only like this, their unique structure and character can stand out. Each piece of jewellery is a unique original and therefore, it can differ from the photo in small details.

Price €311
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Lapisum gold earrings

Michaela Gorcová
Michaela Gorcová

The earrings from the Love Can Move Mountains collection are made by casting a stone into silver and then processed by the author. Only like this, their unique structure and character can stand out. Each piece of jewellery is a unique original and therefore, it can differ from the photo in small details.

Price €311
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Alpinum gold earrings

Michaela Gorcová
Michaela Gorcová

The earrings from the Love Can Move Mountains collection are made by casting a stone into silver and then processed by the author. Only like this, their unique structure and character can stand out. Each piece of jewellery is a unique original and therefore, it can differ from the photo in small details.

Price €311
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Granitum gold earrings

Michaela Gorcová
Michaela Gorcová

The earrings from the Love Can Move Mountains collection are made by casting a stone into silver and then processed by the author. Only like this, their unique structure and character can stand out. Each piece of jewellery is a unique original and therefore, it can differ from the photo in small details.

Price €311
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Diorum gold earrings

Michaela Gorcová
Michaela Gorcová

The earrings from the Love Can Move Mountains collection are made by casting a stone into silver and then processed by the author. Only like this, their unique structure and character can stand out. Each piece of jewellery is a unique original and therefore, it can differ from the photo in small details.

Price €311
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Šutrum silver earrings

Michaela Gorcová
Michaela Gorcová

The earrings from the Love Can Move Mountains collection are made by casting a stone into silver and then processed by the author. The earrings have a slight patina decor to achieve a naturalistic, rough look. Each piece of jewellery is a unique original and therefore, it can differ from the photo in small details.

Price €99
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Liberium silver earrings

Michaela Gorcová
Michaela Gorcová

The earrings from the Love Can Move Mountains collection are made by casting a stone into silver and then processed by the author. Only like this, their unique structure and character can stand out. Each piece of jewellery is a unique original and therefore, it can differ from the photo in small details.

Price €99
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Diorum silver earrings

Michaela Gorcová
Michaela Gorcová

The earrings from the Love Can Move Mountains collection are made by casting a stone into silver and then processed by the author. Only like this, their unique structure and character can stand out. Each piece of jewellery is a unique original and therefore, it can differ from the photo in small details.

Price €99
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Dew gold-plated earrings

Michaela Gorcová
Michaela Gorcová

The Dew earrings come from the Elements collection, which portrays simplicity and goes back to the origins. Dew is one form of water that forms above the freezing point. The earrings are made of stainless steel and are silver plated.

Price €80
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