Mária Kobelová

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Although designer Mária Kobelová was born in Slovakia, she works mostly in the Czech Republic. She carefully observes everything around her and puts it into new, unexpected contexts. Her work contains desire for inner harmony, purity, calm, and eternity. Thanks to her creativity, she has gained a lot of experience in various areas. Her signature style is the combination of metal and porcelain.

Tvoja tvorba je veľmi bohatá, rôznorodá. Ku ktorému svojmu šperku či kolekcii máš najhlbší vzťah? 

Všetky šperky, ktoré som vytvorila, mi evokujú rôzne spomienky a momenty zo života, takže sa mi ťažko vyberá. Prsteň C bol môj prvý prsteň a proste ma neomrzí. :) Následne prsteň XXX, kde dizajn a pohodlnosť hovorí za všetko. Splynie s kožou, akoby bol súčasťou môjho tela. Aktuálne ale vedie kolekcia AARU, lebo s ňou mám najčerstvejšie zážitky.

Aké zmeny by si vo svojej práci privítala a čo by si naopak nikdy nechcela zmeniť?

Zmeny v mojom prostredí a práci prebiehajú nepretržite od začiatku roka 2022, a to vďaka novému štúdiu na pražskej ulici Varšavská 15, ktoré už naplno funguje a rozrástlo sa aj o lepšie technológie.

Ako vyzerá tvoj bežný pracovný deň? 

Každý deň je v niečom iný a výnimočný. No podľa mňa nemám bežný pracovný deň takmer nikdy. :) 

Čo ťa poháňa? 

Môj najvýraznejší motor je perfekcionizmus, no aj vnútorná potreba tvoriť. Potrebujem mať veci uzatvorené a hotové, no ani pracovný život sa nedelí na samostatné epizódy – stále treba niečo riešiť a doťahovať. A mňa tak všetko ťahá stále dopredu. 

Čo si si priala a napokon sa ti to splnilo? 

Ako som hovorila o vlastnom štúdiu, tým sa jedna časť splnila. Začala som hľadať a takmer hneď som ho našla. Priestor pre hladký priebeh a dobre zorganizovanú prácu bez väčších ťažkostí a zábav.

Soul silver ring with black diamonds

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

A stream of energy that dazzles. Escape from reality - unique moments, things in everyday life that are often hidden and pushed into the corners of our souls.

The Soul ring from the Euphoria collection is made of silver using casting technology and is subsequently polished to a high shine. In the Euphoria collection, the designer deals with euphoria, points out its individual types and emphasizes their rarity. Euphoria is a part of each of us and it comes in many forms. Happiness and a feeling of mental satisfaction, a feeling of balance or strong and violent relaxation. The goal of creating the collection was to capture and express a feeling of euphoria and try to get closer to this emotional state.

Price €357
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Es rose-gold plated ring

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

Lightness, elegance and breathtaking creativity combined in one shape. The shape of the ring from the USUS collection is modeled by hand and then the ring is cast from silver and polished to a high shine. The USUS collection is inspired by the curves of modeling spatulas. In some cases, jewellery directly bears the morphology of spatulas or is inspired by their shapes. Individual elements, beautifully shaped and pleasant to touch are a symbol of creativity which we should not forget. The machine-developed world suppresses creativity which is very important for us from a psychological point of view. We look for everything unknown and forget that everything valuable is in our own hands.

Price €129
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Bi rose gold-plated ring

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

Who said elegance can't be comfortable and practical? A symbol of human creativity which, thanks to its rounded and irregular profile, blends perfectly with your hand and you barely feel it. The shape of the ring from the USUS collection is modeled by hand and then the ring is cast from silver and polished to a high shine.

The USUS collection is inspired by the curves of modeling spatulas. In some cases, jewellery directly bears the morphology of spatulas or is inspired by their shapes. Individual elements, beautifully shaped and pleasant to touch are a symbol of creativity which we should not forget. The machine-developed world suppresses creativity which is very important for us from a psychological point of view. We look for everything unknown and forget that everything valuable is in our own hands.

Price €129
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XXX gold-plated garnet ring

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

XXX. The mystery caused by desire and attraction in fragile curves refers to the spilling and all-encompassing feelings of a moment of sexual euphoria.

The ring XXX with a garnet from the Euphoria collection is made of silver using casting technology and is then precisely polished to a velvety matte finish.

In the Euphoria collection, designer and jeweller Maria Kobelova deals with euphoria, points out its individual types and emphasizes their rarity. Euphoria is a part of each of us and it comes in many forms. Reaching the happiness point! Happiness and a feeling of mental satisfaction, a feeling of balance and strong and violent relaxation. The goal of creating the collection was to capture and express the feeling of euphoria and try to get closer to this emotional state - magic.

Price €270
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Maia gold-plated earrings

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

A shape inspired by elegance, but also by softness and warmth in which one likes to immerse oneself. Modern, futuristic and retro - timeless comfort.

Maia earrings from the Sofa collection are made of silver using casting technology and then their shape is adjusted by hand. They are polished to a high gloss.

The Sofa collection was created in collaboration with fashion designer Daniela Pešková for the Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week S/S 2020 show. It expresses and materializes a moment of rest in a harmony of shapes which attracts with its beauty. Sofa is a symbol of rest, softness. Mária Kobelová was attracted by the advertising slogan of the Linge Roset brand: Harmony of shapes. She stylizes and plays with harmonious elements, creating timeless, shapely jewellery with a futuristic touch and retro elements.

Price €265
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XXX black diamond ruthenium ring

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

XXX. The mystery caused by desire and attraction in fragile curves refers to the spilling and all-encompassing feelings of a moment of sexual euphoria.

The ring XXX with a black diamond from the Euphoria collection is made of silver using casting technology and is then precisely polished to a velvety matte finish and futher plated with a layer of ruthenium.

In the Euphoria collection, designer and jeweller Maria Kobelova deals with euphoria, points out its individual types and emphasizes their rarity. Euphoria is a part of each of us and it comes in many forms. Reaching the happiness point! Happiness and a feeling of mental satisfaction, a feeling of balance and strong and violent relaxation. The goal of creating the collection was to capture and express the feeling of euphoria and try to get closer to this emotional state - magic.

Price €325
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X gold-plated signet ring

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

Imprint and mirror of our inner world. Self-expression through motif.

Signet ring X from the Euphoria collection is handcrafted and cast from silver. The surface of the ring is polished to a velvety matte, but the flat top is polished to a high shine.

In the Euphoria collection, designer and jeweller Maria Kobelova deals with euphoria, points out its individual types and emphasizes their rarity. Euphoria is a part of each of us and it comes in many forms. Reaching the happiness point! Happiness and a feeling of mental satisfaction, a feeling of balance and strong and violent relaxation. The goal of creating the collection was to capture and express a feeling of euphoria and try to get closer to this emotional state - magic.

Price €222
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Serotonin silver earrings

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

The volumetric organicity of earrings suggests a bubbling boil of sensations just like the cloud into which serotonin takes us. Escape from reality, release and awakening of our black soul.

The lower part of the earrings is cast from silver, the upper part is cut by hand. Both are then soldered and precisely polished to a fine shine.

In the Euphoria collection, the designer deals with euphoria, points out its individual types and emphasizes their rarity. Euphoria is a part of each of us and it comes in many forms. Happiness and a feeling of mental satisfaction, a feeling of balance or strong and violent relaxation. The goal of creating the collection was to capture and express a feeling of euphoria and try to get closer to this emotional state.

Price €355
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Solar silver necklace

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

It caresses and nourishes, drives the currents of life to us. It drives our every moment.

The Solar necklace from the AARU collection is modeled by hand and further cast from silver, then polished to a high shine.

The AARU collection embodies the values we long to find in paradise - peace, abundance, freedom and pleasure. Finding your own paradise is letting things flow freely, discover and develop freely. Thus, everyone can find their own place, their own expression, their own comfort and pleasure - their own AARU. AARU is a paradise we don't have to fight for.

Price €164
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C silver ring

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

Wool, a freshly rolled layer of smooth metal. An endlessly flowing drop. The shape of the ring from the USUS collection is modeled by hand and then the ring is cast from silver and polished to a high shine.

The USUS collection is inspired by the curves of modeling spatulas. In some cases, jewellery directly bears the morphology of spatulas or is inspired by their shapes. Individual elements, beautifully shaped and pleasant to touch are a symbol of creativity which we should not forget. The machine-developed world suppresses creativity which is very important for us from a psychological point of view. We look for everything unknown and forget that everything valuable is in our own hands.

Price €194
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Love gold-plated ring

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

Intensity combined with the tenderness of love.

The Love ring from the Euphoria collection is made of silver using casting technology and then sanded to a velvety matte finish.

In the Euphoria collection, the designer deals with euphoria, points out its individual types and emphasizes their rarity. Euphoria is a part of each of us and it comes in many forms. Happiness and a feeling of mental satisfaction, a feeling of balance or strong and violent relaxation. The goal of creating the collection was to capture and express a feeling of euphoria and try to get closer to this emotional state.

Price €194
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Flame silver ring

Mária Kobelová
Mária Kobelová

A rush of warmth of positive emotions stretching across the chest. The warmth of the eternal flame we all live for.

The Flame ring from the AARU collection is hand modeled and further cast from silver. It is then treated with sandblasting technology for a unique matte and shimmering effect.

The AARU collection embodies the values we long to find in paradise – peace, abundance, freedom and pleasure. Finding your own paradise is letting things flow freely, explore and develop freely. Thus, everyone can find their own place, their own expression, their own comfort and pleasure - their own AARU. AARU is a paradise we don't have to fight for.

Price €169
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