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Márta Juhász creates recycled jewellery. She likes to experiment and look for new materials processing techniques. However, with her latest collections, she returns to the traditional jewellery craft. Her creations are minimalist and delicate. Each piece is handcrafted, the subtle differences between them make them ideal for lovers of details and originals.

Čo je najlepšie na tom byť šperkárkou? 

Pre mňa sú to dve veci: Ovládať zlatnícke remeslo a jeho fascinujúcu alchýmiu a možnosť odkomunikovať svoje pocity formou šperku bez jazykových bariér (moja úplná komunikačná sloboda).

Ako najradšej tráviš čas sama so sebou? 

Milujem len tak byť, ísť na prechádzku či dať si niekde v meste kávu a pozorovať okolie bez toho, aby som sa musela niekam ponáhľať. Rada počúvam šum mesta, veľmi ma vie pozitívne nabiť energia okolitého sveta.

Máš svoj šperk, ku ktorému máš najhlbší vzťah? Čo najradšej nosíš ty sama? 

Mám viac šperkov z detstva, ktoré sú mi blízke. Moja mama mala celkom veľkú šperkovnicu, bol to môj tajný rituál si občas pozrieť a vyskúšať všetky šperky z nej. Ako som vyrastala, postupne mi mamina potom darovala šperky, ktoré sa mi najviac páčili. 

Staršie či novšie, šperky mi robia vlastne službu denníka – spájam a zbieram s nimi spomienky. Často nosím aj prototypy svojich šperkov, hlavne, keď testujem novú kolekciu.

Čo je na tvorbe vlastnej značky najväčšia výzva? A čo je, naopak, najväčšia radosť?

Najväčšia výzva pre mňa bolo dostať sa do povedomia a nadviazať si kontakty. Nikdy som neštudovala na umeleckej škole, preto som nemala automaticky dané umelecké pozadie, kolektív. Občas som sa cítila naozaj stratená. 

Najväčšiu radosť mi robí spätná väzba spokojných zákazníkov, najmä, keď vidím, že presne pochopili myšlienku, ktorá ma pri tvorbe šperku inšpirovala.

Čo si si priala a nakoniec sa ti to splnilo? 

Vždy som túžila stať sa šperkárkou, aktuálne si žijem svoj sen. :)

RIBBON 021 silver ring


Simple minimalist ring from the Ribbons collection. Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled silver which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed. 

Price €35
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RIBBON 021 rose gold ring


Simple minimalist ring from the Ribbons collection. Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled gold which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed. 

Price €139
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RIBBON 033 silver earrings


Simple minimalist earrings from the Ribbons collection. Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled silver which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed. 

Price €78
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RIBBON 04 S rose gold earrings


Simple minimalist earrings from the Ribbons collection. Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled gold which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed. 

Price €219
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RIBBON 01 S rose gold earrings


Simple minimalist earrings from the Ribbons collection. Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled gold which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed. 

Price €203
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RIBBON 01 pendant rose gold necklace


Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled gold which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed.

Price €247
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RIBBON 04 M yellow gold earrings


Simple minimalist earrings from the Ribbons collection. Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled gold which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed. 

Price €240
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RIBBON 01 S yellow gold earrings


Simple minimalist earrings from the Ribbons collection. Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled gold which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed. 

Price €203
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Ribbon 02 pendant gold necklace


Minimalist necklace from the Ribbons collection. Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled silver which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed. 

Price €247
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RIBBON 04 L silver earrings


Simple minimalist earrings from the Ribbons collection. Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled silver which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed. 

Price €86
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RIBBON 04 M silver earrings


Simple minimalist earrings from the Ribbons collection. Ribbons are inspired by the fragility and spontaneity of movement. Each piece of jewellery captures a different moment of the unique shape of the textile ribbon. The collection is delicate, feminine, timeless. The individual pieces can be very well combined and layered not only with each other but also with other jewellery. Each piece is original, hand-shaped, subtle differences make them ideal for lovers of unique details. The basis of the jewellery is 100% recycled silver which is produced from waste from the medical, electronic and gift industries. During production, the environment is less polluted than during mining and production of new metal but the properties of the material remain undisturbed. 

Price €72
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