Anina jewellery


Her work is exceptional and unmistakable. Since her studies at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, she has a typical element of line and strong conceptual thinking. The unfettered shapes and used materials sharply contrast with the smoothness of today. Her collections are wild, yet suddenly calm, inaccurate and precisely repetitive at the same time. They open up a world of captivating shapes and materials in unexpected combinations.

Tvoje šperky sú nespútané, divoké, plné nečakaných tvarov. Aká si ty sama a ako sa v nich odráža tvoje vnútro? 

Veľmi ťažká otázka. Aká som sama môžu skôr posúdiť a povedať lepšie ostatní, ale určite som introvert, ktorý v sebe nosí a uchováva emócie, dojmy, pocity, ktoré pomocou tvorby prenáša von a pomocou ktorých tak v podstate navonok komunikuje ľahšie než týmto písaným prejavom, napríklad. :) 

Jedna z mojich kolekcií bola inšpirovaná nielen mojou životnou cestou, ale i cestou ostatných žien – od stereotypov pri materskej „dovolenke“ (Stereotype) až po nespútané tvary a nepravidelnosť, s ktorou sa stretávam v bežnej realite. Tých inšpirácií je samozrejme viac, každopádne sa priznám, že sa snažím hľadať skôr najvnútornejšie pocity a emócie než tie prvoplánové a ľahko čitateľné.

Čo je najlepšie na tom byť šperkárkou? 

Zanechať svoju stopu, posunúť energiu, vytvoriť emóciu či tvar, ktorý si nositeľka šperku môže ďalej interpretovať a rozvíjať. Hľadať nové cesty a vystupovať z komfortnej zóny. To sú veci, ktoré mi tvorba prináša. Niekedy je to bolestivé, niekedy osviežujúce, ale vždy je to pocit, ktorý ma obohacuje a posúva ďalej.

Ako vyzerá tvoj bežný deň? 

Som matka dvoch synov, to definuje veľa. :) Tým, že mám svoju dielňu pod schodiskom, ktoré je centrom nášho domu (hovorím tomu ateliér pod schodami), kde mi cez deň pobehujú deti či manžel, tak ten rytmus tvorby nie je taký pravidelný – je prekladaný rodinou, psom, bežnými starosťami, ale rozhodne sa za to nehanbím. 

Nie som typ, ktorý by žil na obláčiku, ale ani netrpím stereotypmi manželky na predmestí. :)) Na druhej strane, aj v tom možno nájsť podnety, záznam života, cestu nás všetkých, len sa treba pozerať cez pohľad toho nášho dreveného schodiska. :) Mám vďaka tomu svoj odstup.

Čo ťa poháňa? 

Spokojný zákazník, objavenie nového tvaru, ktorý nie je konfekčný a nezapadá do klasickej schémy šperku. Objavovanie nových ciest. 

Ako sa o seba staráš? 

Neviem, či otázku chápem správne... No snažím sa byť aktívna pohybovo – od plávania (milujem vodný element) cez prírodu, pohyb v krajine, lesoch. Máme chalupu, kam jazdím dobíjať životnú batériu, tam stačí len tak byť a sledovať dianie naokolo.

Signature 02 silver ring

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

A unique, hand-shaped silver ring that is a striking solitaire for any jewellery box. In the Signature collection, the author follows her own signature, follows where the line takes her, and ultimately expresses her relationship to it. A line, an initial, a signature - for her, it's all about signifying and marking a person, about an unmistakable trace of each of us. A trace with which we sign our existence and confirm our present and future.

Price €128
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Migration 03 silver bracelet

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

A hand-shaped bracelet with a design inspired by the migratory shapes of animals and people. Migration is a repetitive process - journey, cycle, return, destination. The MIGRATION collection follows these paths, discovers their lines, leaves traces on each of us through the jewellery we wear. Each piece is hand-shaped and therefore never the same. 

Price €145
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Glyph 05 silver earrings

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

The GLYPH collection is based on glyphs and auxiliary graphic characters that express the structure and organization of the text in written speech. They are part of a written expression, they often express emotions in it, they state information, warn... They have their unmistakable place in communication, just like this collection. Through her jewellery, Anna Bartáková perceives and communicates the rhythm of these times. Each pair is hand-shaped and unique. 

Price €100
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Glyph 02 gold-plated earrings

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

The GLYPH collection is based on glyphs and auxiliary graphic characters that express the structure and organization of the text in written speech. They are part of a written expression, they often express emotions in it, they state information, warn... They have their unmistakable place in communication, just like this collection. Through her jewellery, Anna Bartáková perceives and communicates the rhythm of these times. Each piece is unique and slightly different. 

Price €122
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Birth silver ring

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

Man, woman, passion, birth... Symbol of connection, new creation and new beginnings. Jewellery can be a carrier of inspiration between people, it can transmit this energy, expand it, enrich others. Let yourself be carried away by the Birth collection. The ring is a combination of two rings that move freely.

Price €119
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Glyph 02d silver earrings

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

The GLYPH collection is based on glyphs and auxiliary graphic characters that express the structure and organization of the text in written speech. They are part of a written expression, they often express emotions in it, they state information, warn... They have their unmistakable place in communication, just like this collection. Through her jewellery, Anna Bartáková perceives and communicates the rhythm of these times.

Price €110
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Signature 08 L silver earrings

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

A unique, hand-shaped silver earrings which will be bold addition to any jewellery box. In the Signature collection, the author follows her own signature, follows where the line takes her, and ultimately expresses her relationship to it. A line, an initial, a signature - for her, it's all about signifying and marking a person, about an unmistakable trace of each of us. A trace with which we sign our existence and confirm our present and future. Each piece is unique - handcrafted and uniquely shaped, so slight variations may occur between individual pieces.

Price €110
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Migration 02 chain silver bracelet

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

A hand-shaped bracelet with a design inspired by the migratory shapes of animals and people. Migration is a repetitive process - journey, cycle, return, destination. The MIGRATION collection follows these paths, discovers their lines, leaves traces on each of us through the jewellery we wear. Each piece is hand-shaped and therefore never the same. 

Price €103
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Migration 02 silver bracelet

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

A hand-shaped bracelet inspired by the migratory shapes of animals and people. Migration is a repetitive process – a journey, cycle, return, destination. The MIGRATION collection follows these paths, discovers their lines, leaves traces on each of us through the jewellery we wear. Each piece of jewellery is hand-shaped and therefore never the same.

Price €145
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Signature silver ring

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

A unique, hand-shaped silver ring that is a striking solitaire for any jewellery box. In the Signature collection, the author follows her own signature, follows where the line takes her, and ultimately expresses her relationship to it. A line, an initial, a signature - for her, it's all about signifying and marking a person, about an unmistakable trace of each of us. A trace with which we sign our existence and confirm our present and future.

Price €128
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Signature gold-plated ring

Anina jewellery
Anina jewellery

A unique, hand-shaped silver ring that is a striking solitaire for any jewellery box. In the Signature collection, the author follows her own signature, follows where the line takes her, and ultimately expresses her relationship to it. A line, an initial, a signature - for her, it's all about signifying and marking a person, about an unmistakable trace of each of us. A trace with which we sign our existence and confirm our present and future. Each piece is unique - handcrafted and uniquely shaped, so slight variations may occur between individual pieces.

Price €145
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