Silvia Sukopová

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Silvia Sukopová lives and works in Bratislava. Her studies at AFAD were focused on experimental design and digital craft. In her practice, she uses digital technologies such as 3D printing and CNC milling. Error and random creation processes and their ephemerality are a frequent inspiration of her work.

Čo je najlepšie na tom byť produktovou dizajnérkou? 

Proces a prekvapenie. Keďže sa venujem najmä svojej voľnej tvorbe, v ktorej často využívam aj náhodné procesy a používam rôzne materiály, často ma v procese tvorby prekvapia rôzne veci. Vždy mám vyšpecifikovanú ideu, na ktorej pracujem, avšak forma často vzniká v procese a výsledok býva pre mňa samú prekvapujúci.

Pri tvorbe veľa využívaš digitálne technológie. Ako si sa k tomu dostala a čo ti na tomto spôsobe navrhovania najviac vyhovuje? A čo je, naopak, najväčšia výzva? 

Intenzívne sa digitálnym technológiám venujem od čias štúdia na VŠVU, bude to teraz už cez 10 rokov. Nie je to však tak, že ma zaujímajú len technológie a virtuálne prostredie. Naopak, najčastejšie ma zaujíma práve spojenie digitálneho s fyzickým. Buď používam už fyzicky existujúce veci, ktoré prevediem cez virtuálny svet a naspäť do hmotného. Alebo spájam ručnú kresbu s modelovaním v počítači. 

Stále sa snažím hľadať nové idey, ako prepojiť oba svety. To je najväčšia výzva a zároveň ma to najviac baví. Pre mňa je práca s 3D tlačou či CNC frézou remeslo ako každé iné a tak k tomu aj pristupujem.

Čo máš rada aj nerada na 3D tlači? 

Jej bezchybnosť, v ktorej sa ukazujú všetky chyby.

Čí názor na tvoju tvorbu je pre teba dôležitý a prečo? Máš niekoho takého? 

Určite ma zaujímajú názory blízkych ľudí z komunity, s ktorými máme podobné videnie súčasného dizajnu. Ale vždy ma zaujíma aj, ako a čo v mojej tvorbe vidia laici. Častokrát je to iné, ako by som čakala.

Ako sa ti žije a tvorí v Bratislave? 

Žije sa mi tu výborne, mám tu zázemie, priateľov, myslím, že je to fajn mesto pre život s malými deťmi (čo je môj aktuálny stav). Tvorím doma a väčšinu technologických procesov zvládam sama, takže v tomto je asi jedno, na akom mieste tvorím.

With Love from Planet Earth green II. snowglobe

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

With Love from Planet Earth is the unified souvenir for the whole planet. The object mimics the traditional snowglobes, however, in this case there has nothing but snowfall remained. Tiny colourful pieces attract the observer to reveal their origin. It's the domestic plastic trash that beautifully dances inside the snowglobe. The captivating yet disturbing object at the same time points out the topic of the plastic pollution of the Earth. I imagine these objects being exported to other planets. Souvenirs filled with the material that unifies us all. 

Price €160
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With Love from Planet Earth purple II. snowglobe

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

With Love from Planet Earth is the unified souvenir for the whole planet. The object mimics the traditional snowglobes, however, in this case there has nothing but snowfall remained. Tiny colourful pieces attract the observer to reveal their origin. It's the domestic plastic trash that beautifully dances inside the snowglobe. The captivating yet disturbing object at the same time points out the topic of the plastic pollution of the Earth. I imagine these objects being exported to other planets. Souvenirs filled with the material that unifies us all. 

Price €160
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With Love from Planet Earth white-green snowglobe

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

With Love from Planet Earth is the unified souvenir for the whole planet. The object mimics the traditional snowglobes, however, in this case there has nothing but snowfall remained. Tiny colourful pieces attract the observer to reveal their origin. It's the domestic plastic trash that beautifully dances inside the snowglobe. The captivating yet disturbing object at the same time points out the topic of the plastic pollution of the Earth. I imagine these objects being exported to other planets. Souvenirs filled with the material that unifies us all. 

Price €160
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With Love from Planet Earth white-purple snowglobe

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

With Love from Planet Earth is the unified souvenir for the whole planet. The object mimics the traditional snowglobes, however, in this case there has nothing but snowfall remained. Tiny colourful pieces attract the observer to reveal their origin. It's the domestic plastic trash that beautifully dances inside the snowglobe. The captivating yet disturbing object at the same time points out the topic of the plastic pollution of the Earth. I imagine these objects being exported to other planets. Souvenirs filled with the material that unifies us all. 

Price €160
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With Love from Planet Earth green snowglobe

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

With Love from Planet Earth is the unified souvenir for the whole planet. The object mimics the traditional snowglobes, however, in this case there has nothing but snowfall remained. Tiny colourful pieces attract the observer to reveal their origin. It's the domestic plastic trash that beautifully dances inside the snowglobe. The captivating yet disturbing object at the same time points out the topic of the plastic pollution of the Earth. I imagine these objects being exported to other planets. Souvenirs filled with the material that unifies us all. 

Price €160
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With Love from Planet Earth purple snowglobe

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

With Love from Planet Earth is the unified souvenir for the whole planet. The object mimics the traditional snowglobes, however, in this case there has nothing but snowfall remained. Tiny colourful pieces attract the observer to reveal their origin. It's the domestic plastic trash that beautifully dances inside the snowglobe. The captivating yet disturbing object at the same time points out the topic of the plastic pollution of the Earth. I imagine these objects being exported to other planets. Souvenirs filled with the material that unifies us all. 

Price €160
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03 BVY Rainbow bowl

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

The collection of rainbow bowls originated from the author's interest in merging the inaccuracy of the hand drawing with almost flawless digital fabrication. She has always considered her work with the 3D printing as the craft and she continuously seeks for new formal expressions of the printed objects. The objects are hand drawn and then precisely remodelled into the form of 3D objects. They are printed on the desktop printer from PLA in 4 layers, prints are subsequently assembles into the one final object. The bowls vary as the point of view changes and also the colour is altered in various lighting conditions. They come in 6 diferent shapes and 6 colour combinations. All the forms can be produced in all the colours – if you interested in custom order, contact us on

Price €106
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04 OBV Rainbow bowl

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

The collection of rainbow bowls originated from the author's interest in merging the inaccuracy of the hand drawing with almost flawless digital fabrication. She has always considered her work with the 3D printing as the craft and she continuously seeks for new formal expressions of the printed objects. The objects are hand drawn and then precisely remodelled into the form of 3D objects. They are printed on the desktop printer from PLA in 4 layers, prints are subsequently assembles into the one final object. The bowls vary as the point of view changes and also the colour is altered in various lighting conditions. They come in 6 diferent shapes and 6 colour combinations. All the forms can be produced in all the colours – if you interested in custom order, contact us on

Price €146
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01 OBV Rainbow bowl

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

The collection of rainbow bowls originated from the author's interest in merging the inaccuracy of the hand drawing with almost flawless digital fabrication. She has always considered her work with the 3D printing as the craft and she continuously seeks for new formal expressions of the printed objects. The objects are hand drawn and then precisely remodelled into the form of 3D objects. They are printed on the desktop printer from PLA in 4 layers, prints are subsequently assembles into the one final object. The bowls vary as the point of view changes and also the colour is altered in various lighting conditions. They come in 6 diferent shapes and 6 colour combinations. All the forms can be produced in all the colours – if you interested in custom order, contact us on

Price €136
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06 RYB Rainbow bowl

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

The collection of rainbow bowls originated from the author's interest in merging the inaccuracy of the hand drawing with almost flawless digital fabrication. She has always considered her work with the 3D printing as the craft and she continuously seeks for new formal expressions of the printed objects. The objects are hand drawn and then precisely remodelled into the form of 3D objects. They are printed on the desktop printer from PLA in 4 layers, prints are subsequently assembles into the one final object. The bowls vary as the point of view changes and also the colour is altered in various lighting conditions. They come in 6 diferent shapes and 6 colour combinations. All the forms can be produced in all the colours – if you interested in custom order, contact us on

Price €116
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05 RYB Rainbow bowl

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

The collection of rainbow bowls originated from the author's interest in merging the inaccuracy of the hand drawing with almost flawless digital fabrication. She has always considered her work with the 3D printing as the craft and she continuously seeks for new formal expressions of the printed objects. The objects are hand drawn and then precisely remodelled into the form of 3D objects. They are printed on the desktop printer from PLA in 4 layers, prints are subsequently assembles into the one final object. The bowls vary as the point of view changes and also the colour is altered in various lighting conditions. They come in 6 diferent shapes and 6 colour combinations. All the forms can be produced in all the colours – if you interested in custom order, contact us on

Price €96
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Chandelier no. 2

Silvia Sukopová
Silvia Sukopová

Chandelier is a series of hanging lampshades printed on an FDM 3D printer. The designer Silvia Sukopová deliberately works with a flaw in the objects – fallen fibers of the material which create the basic decorative element of the product. The lamps are suitable as atmospheric lighting. Shades are printed in one piece from one fiber of the material. She uses ASA material which has excellent lightfast properties. The lamps are produced in three shapes. They are delivered together with a hanging cable with a socket and a ceiling rosette.

Price €460
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