Patrícia Koyšová

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Painter and experimenter surrounded by high pressure equipment. She calls her studio a painting laboratory. Just as her 100-liter pressure compressor, the viewer and his own imagination are also important to her. She is a graduate of the Fourth Studio of professor Csudai at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, where she completed her doctoral studies in 2016.

Čo v dnešnej dobe znamená byť maliarkou? 

Tvorba. Sebareflexia. Pochybnosť. Disciplína. Ateliér.

Čo by si chcela svojimi maľbami v ľuďoch vyvolať? 

Emóciu, ako inak. 

Abstraktnú maľbu je občas pre diváka náročné uchopiť. Máš pre neho návod?

Neexistuje návod. Buď maľba pred divákom obstojí a zaujme ho, alebo nie. To je jediná a najdôležitejšia reakcia.

Ktoré témy v tvojej maľbe rezonujú v poslednom čase? Nad čím premýšľaš? 

V novom ateliéri práve premýšľam nad tým, či budem mať šťavu a energiu pokračovať v tvorbe ďalších 30 rokov. Zatiaľ to vidím pozitívne. Pracujem na novej sérii veľkoformátových plátien.

Kedysi si vytvorila dielo: „Keď budem veľká, budem vodopád.“ Ako to dopadlo? Si už vodopád? 

Je to v procese a prišla zmena: „Keď budem veľká, chcem byť sochárkou.“

WP 07

Patrícia Koyšová
Patrícia Koyšová

The viewer is more used to the author's large-format canvases but in this series, Patrícia Koyšová presents paintings and prints on paper in smaller formats. Here, the paper reveals itself in its naked form. Paintings on paper are not preparatory sketches. They are independent originals, they capture the processes and topics on which the author works during individual series. The theme is not only the painting itself but also small story hidden in the work.

Price €136
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Patrícia Koyšová
Patrícia Koyšová

The viewer is more used to the author's large-format canvases but in this series, Patrícia Koyšová presents paintings and prints on paper in smaller formats. Here, the paper reveals itself in its naked form. Paintings on paper are not preparatory sketches. They are independent originals, they capture the processes and topics on which the author works during individual series. The theme is not only the painting itself but also small story hidden in the work.

Price €416
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Patrícia Koyšová
Patrícia Koyšová

The viewer is more used to the author's large-format canvases but in this series, Patrícia Koyšová presents paintings and prints on paper in smaller formats. Here, the paper reveals itself in its naked form. Paintings on paper are not preparatory sketches. They are independent originals, they capture the processes and topics on which the author works during individual series. The theme is not only the painting itself but also small story hidden in the work.

Price €416
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Patrícia Koyšová
Patrícia Koyšová

The viewer is more used to the author's large-format canvases but in this series, Patrícia Koyšová presents paintings and prints on paper in smaller formats. Here, the paper reveals itself in its naked form. Paintings on paper are not preparatory sketches. They are independent originals, they capture the processes and topics on which the author works during individual series. The theme is not only the painting itself but also small story hidden in the work.

Price €467
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Patrícia Koyšová
Patrícia Koyšová

The viewer is more used to the author's large-format canvases but in this series, Patrícia Koyšová presents paintings and prints on paper in smaller formats. Here, the paper reveals itself in its naked form. Paintings on paper are not preparatory sketches. They are independent originals, they capture the processes and topics on which the author works during individual series. The theme is not only the painting itself but also small story hidden in the work.

Price €467
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Patrícia Koyšová
Patrícia Koyšová

The viewer is more used to the author's large-format canvases but in this series, Patrícia Koyšová presents paintings and prints on paper in smaller formats. Here, the paper reveals itself in its naked form. Paintings on paper are not preparatory sketches. They are independent originals, they capture the processes and topics on which the author works during individual series. The theme is not only the painting itself but also small story hidden in the work.

Price €416
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An Egg and a Tulip

Patrícia Koyšová
Patrícia Koyšová

The viewer is more used to the author's large-format canvases but in this series, Patrícia Koyšová presents paintings and prints on paper in smaller formats. Here, the paper reveals itself in its naked form. Paintings on paper are not preparatory sketches. They are independent originals, they capture the processes and topics on which the author works during individual series. The theme is not only the painting itself but also small story hidden in the work.

Price €416
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