Lívia Mezovská


Lívia Mezovská is a graduate of the AFAD in Bratislava. She has had several group and solo exhibitions. Lívia presents contemporary free graphic work, which is based on the author's everyday experiences, memories from travels, but also from the things that surround her. In her work, she focuses mainly on screen printing and risography.

Tvoríš radšej digitálne alebo si najprv kreslíš na papier? 

Najprv kreslím. No nie vždy ide o detailnú kresbu. Nápad na grafiku si zvyknem naskicovať – čo budem robiť a aká bude približne kompozícia. K poriadnemu kresleniu si sadnem, až keď viem, akej téme sa chcem venovať. 

A potom je to už digitál, všetko na konci prejde počítačom. Niektoré grafiky viac a niektoré iba minimálne, ako príprava do tlače. Práca na počítači má výhodu pri výbere farieb, ktoré sú pre mňa dôležité.

Skús popísať proces tvorby nejakého tvojho diela, napr. Memory Lane. Čo všetko predchádza hotovej grafike a ktorá časť tohto procesu ťa baví najviac? 

Séria Memory Lane vznikla po sérii Drops. U oboch mi šlo o zachytenie jednoduchosti tvaru a silu farby. Inšpiráciou boli kamene, ktoré som našla na výlete na severe Poľska - na plážach pri Baltskom mori. Je ich tam veľa a sú oblé, vďaka neustálemu vetru, ktorý ich omieľa na piesku. Z výletov si rada nosím takéto malé trofeje, aby som na ne nezabudla. Fungujú ako uchovaná spomienka, spomienková stopa (odtiaľ názov grafiky). 

Najprv si ich samozrejme vyfotím. Potom si do skicáru spravím záznam, kresbu, ako by grafika mohla vyzerať, ako by sa mohla volať. Potom už idem robit návrh v počítači, používam Illustrátor poprípade Photoshop. Výber farieb som zámerne zvolila metalickú zlatú a čiernu, jednak preto, že inak sú moje grafiky výrazne farebné a chcela som zmenu. A jednak preto, že sú chladné ako kameň. Následne posielam podklady do tlače známemu v Prahe, ktorý má risografickú dieľnu Kudlawerkstatt.

Aktuálne mám najradšej proces premýšľania, čo by som mohla kresliť, akej téme sa venovať a ako tá myšlienka, poprípade téma, bude vyzerať na papieri. Ale kedysi som najradšej kreslila.

Ako vyzerá tvoj bežný deň? 

Chodím normálne do práce. Pracujem ako grafická dizajnérka. Víkendy sa snažím využiť na výlety a trávenie času v prírode. Voľnej tvorbe sa venujem, keď mi na to vyjde čas alebo sa blíži výstava. Niekto mi kedysi povedal, že deadline je najväčší inšpirátor.

Aké umenie máš rada ty sama? 

Je toho dosť. Ultimátnou krásou sú pre mňa japonské drevorezy (ukiyo-e) autorov, ako je Hiroshige a Hokusai. Ďalej tvorba autorov: Guiseppe Penone, Mark Rothko, Marko Blažo, Bohdan Hostiňák, Mária Čorejová, Mária Bartuszová. 

Veľmi rada pozerám filmy, z ich atmosféry čerpám inšpiráciu a častokrát aj chuť sa umeniu venovať. Konkrétnejšie filmy autorov ako Park Chan-wook, Denis Villeneuve, Sophia Coppola. Ďalším dôležitým stimulantom je pre mňa hudba, hudobné klipy – napríklad od Unkle, Massive Attack, Mark Lanegan, Chelsea Wolfe...

O čom snívaš? 

Aby sa z „daydreamingu“ stala profesia, lebo v tom by som bola naozaj dobrá.

Autumnist II.

Lívia Mezovská
Lívia Mezovská

The Autumnist series is a free continuation of the Fallen Petals series. It was created from drawings of pressed flower petals that the author found in the Netherlands during her internship. She put them in a notebook and forgot about them. After a long time, she found them and as a reminder of the memories of the time spent abroad, she turned them into a series of graphics.

The Autumnist series is more focused on the shape of the individual petals and the combination of 2 or 3 colours. The name comes from autumn, which for Lívia is mostly defined by the changing colours of the leaves on the trees and their falling (and feelings of nostalgia). The graphics are printed with a risograph which uses natural pigments made from rice. Their special feature is the changing colour during pressing. The author tries different colour combinations which are transformed in various ways in the end, just like the leaves in autumn.

Price €35
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Autumnist IV.

Lívia Mezovská
Lívia Mezovská

The Autumnist series is a free continuation of the Fallen Petals series. It was created from drawings of pressed flower petals that the author found in the Netherlands during her internship. She put them in a notebook and forgot about them. After a long time, she found them and as a reminder of the memories of the time spent abroad, she turned them into a series of graphics.

The Autumnist series is more focused on the shape of the individual petals and the combination of 2 or 3 colours. The name comes from autumn, which for Lívia is mostly defined by the changing colours of the leaves on the trees and their falling (and feelings of nostalgia). The graphics are printed with a risograph which uses natural pigments made from rice. Their special feature is the changing colour during pressing. The author tries different colour combinations which are transformed in various ways in the end, just like the leaves in autumn.

Price €25
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Autumnist III.

Lívia Mezovská
Lívia Mezovská

The Autumnist series is a free continuation of the Fallen Petals series. It was created from drawings of pressed flower petals that the author found in the Netherlands during her internship. She put them in a notebook and forgot about them. After a long time, she found them and as a reminder of the memories of the time spent abroad, she turned them into a series of graphics.

The Autumnist series is more focused on the shape of the individual petals and the combination of 2 or 3 colours. The name comes from autumn, which for Lívia is mostly defined by the changing colours of the leaves on the trees and their falling (and feelings of nostalgia). The graphics are printed with a risograph which uses natural pigments made from rice. Their special feature is the changing colour during pressing. The author tries different colour combinations which are transformed in various ways in the end, just like the leaves in autumn.

Price €25
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Pink Drop 1

Lívia Mezovská
Lívia Mezovská

Risoprint from the Drops series with the motif of a large colourful drop with a unique intermingling of colors. The author presents contemporary free graphic work that is based on her daily experiences, memories from her travels, but also from the things that surround her. Each graphic is signed and numbered by the author.

Price €25
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Fallen Petals VI.

Lívia Mezovská
Lívia Mezovská

Risoprint from the Fallen Petals series with the motif of abstract colourful flower petals with a unique structure. The author presents contemporary free graphic work that is based on her daily experiences and memories from her travels but also from the things that surround her. Each graphic is signed and numbered by the author.

Price €35
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Fallen Petals V.

Lívia Mezovská
Lívia Mezovská

Risoprint from the Fallen Petals series with the motif of abstract colourful flower petals with a unique structure. The author presents contemporary free graphic work that is based on her daily experiences and memories from her travels but also from the things that surround her. Each graphic is signed and numbered by the author.

Price €35
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Memory Lane III.

Lívia Mezovská
Lívia Mezovská

Risoprint from the Memory Lane series follows the Drops and Fallen Petals series. The author presents contemporary free graphic work which is based on her daily experiences, memories from her travels, but also from the things that surround her. Each graphic is signed and numbered by the author.

Price €35
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Fallen Petals III.

Lívia Mezovská
Lívia Mezovská

Risoprint from the Fallen Petals series with the motif of abstract colourful flower petals with a unique structure. The author presents contemporary free graphic work that is based on her daily experiences and memories from her travels but also from the things that surround her. Each graphic is signed and numbered by the author.

Price €35
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Fallen Petals IV.

Lívia Mezovská
Lívia Mezovská

Risoprint from the Fallen Petals series with the motif of abstract colourful flower petals with a unique structure. The author presents contemporary free graphic work that is based on her daily experiences and memories from her travels but also from the things that surround her. Each graphic is signed and numbered by the author.

Price €35
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